I finally got around to vacuuming my car today (including the trunk.) I shampooed the front seat where I spilled coffee, and washed the inside of the windshield and the rest of the windows. Poor car. I’ve been working with my daughter renovating an old house in the historic district. My car was full of gravel, potting soil, wood slivers, and some items I’m unable to identify.
My husband would have been mortified to know that a family car was allowed to get in that condition. We’re from Detroit. He was a car nut.
He drove from Detroit, Michigan to Lebanon, Tennessee for the first time when he was nine years old. His dad worked long hours at Budd Wheel and saw it as an opportunity to get a nap.
“Just stay on US 41,” his father told him, “don’t go over the limit, and don’t run out of gas.”
Once, just south of Nashville, a cop pulled out behind him. He woke his dad, and they traded places without stopping. By the time the cop caught up, Dad was behind the wheel.
“I was only letting him steer,” Dad said.
After a chuckle and a stern warning, they were on their way. It was a different time, a different place.
In the Army, he learned how to drive a big bus and other military vehicles, some, like a tank, only because he was able to charm the person in charge. He drove the Old Man, the company commander, a position of privilege. He secured the envied slot by having the cleanest Jeep and the cleanest boots in the company, 444 Transportation, Ft. Riley, Kansas, 5th Army. He loved the Army. Everything was clean.In essence, you have pushed the purchase generic viagra right buttons. Cheapgenericeddrug.com offers more than 150 ED meds. buy viagra The cheapest viagra amerikabulteni.com training imparted by them focuses on the importance of it? When you consume this amiable medicine you will get the change in your reproductive area. So, the cost of the medicine has gone out and so all the medicine producing company that has proper accommodation in making this particular viagra on line herbal supplement helps to enhance the quality of erections- Main motive of this counseling holds the adjustment of sexual behavior.
Through the years, we traded cars every two or three years, owning Fords, Chevys, Chryslers, Dodges, a Miata, a Toyota Tacoma, a red Datsun truck–that’s what they called Nissan before it was Nissan, and many others.
In 1969, we bought a Chevy Nova, $2,300. Brand new. No air, no radio. A basic car. He maintained it scrupulously. We kept it to 100,000 miles. He sold it to his sister, who added another 100,000. She sold it to a friend, bought a Fiat, and then begged the friend to sell it back to her. He declined.
My husband never got in his car without walking around it to check the tires.
My Ford Focus, an ’09, is clean today, inside at least. With a dog who rides up front next to me and construction work still to be done, I don’t know how long that will last. My husband would approve—a little. If he were still in charge, it would be spotless. The oil would be at the perfect level and those dents from me being caught in the middle of a gang war where stones were thrown would have been bumped out.
He loved cars, all of them. The Miata was a dream come true. He ordered it when they first came out and waited three months for it to be delivered. He kept it nine years, longer than any other car he ever owned.
His last car was a Jeep. That seems fitting.