I take a nice walk most mornings. Good for the heart, you know. I sometimes see the nocturnal neighborhood cats as they return to their daytime resting place. There’s a road runner I find particularly amusing. I take it his hairdo was the inspiration for punk rockers. A smile is good for the heart, too.
They also say to stave off the dreaded Alzheimer’s disease, to “take a walk and work a puzzle.”
Most people out walking will respond to a cheery, “Good morning,” by returning the favor.
Favor? Yes. When I say, “Good morning,” I am doing more than giving you a greeting. I am also wishing you a nice start to your day. I’ve found that people with dogs will do even more than return a greeting. They will stop and chat, allow you to talk to their pet and give it a scratch. Dog folks are by nature friendly, so are most dogs. Walking the area daily, you quickly learn which dogs are grumpy, but their owners will still give you a smile.ED affects badly men’s erection ability and doesn’t let them perform well instead of having sexual stimulation. discount viagra sales cialis generic canada Surgical Treatment Only physicians recommend this treatment method after recognizing the condition of men’s erection power. Any medication that you decide to take, be it prescribed or not, must be recommended by cute-n-tiny.com cialis 20mg generika a physician. Kamagra is just a product name intruded by Ajanta pharmacy has assisted millions of men to eradicate their online sale viagra erection issues and rendered a healthy sexual life.
I am aggravated by this one man I see frequently. I say, “Good morning,” give a little wave of my hand, and he turns his head. It’s not a matter of him possibly being hard-of-hearing. He looks me right in the face and then looks away.
I still say it, every day, and add an even larger smile. I’m spiteful that way.